

I Love Food…

Hi there! I’m Erin and I love food - but food and I haven’t always been best buds. I have tried almost every diet out there promising to “Lose Belly Fat in 10 days” or “Get Perfect Skin by Only Drinking Juice for a Week.” For years I tried one fad diet after another, excited about its promises of a better and healthier body only to be disappointed and hungry.

Finally, I had it.

I was so over restricting food groups, severely cutting calories and spending every free waking moment in the gym. There had to be a better way, because if this is what “being healthy” meant I wasn’t sure that was what I wanted to be.

So I decided to stop listening to what other people told me what it meant to be healthy and to learn for myself.

At first I had no intention of starting a business, I just wanted to learn so I could improve my own health and mindset. Yet, as I progressed, it became clear to me that I had to share this message and knowledge with others. I had to help other people break out of the same chains that used to hold me down.

I will show you how to build the healthy lifestyle you want without being held to any painful “diet.” I won’t require you to cut out entire food groups or constantly do math.

I also won’t require you to follow the same plan I did. Each person is unique and so are their wellness needs. A good coach doesn’t tell you how to do it their way, a good coach helps you develop your way.

Erin is an AFPA Certified Nutrition and Wellness Coach and is working towards her American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP) and American Naturopathic Medical Accreditation (ANMAB) Board Certifications She is also currently studying for her AFPA Personal Training Certification.

She received her B.A. in Psychology from the State University of New York at Geneseo and her law degree from St. John's University in NYC. She is licensed to practice law in both New York and California but is not currently practicing. She is a mom to a toddler and an Australian Shepherd, a military spouse, a prolific coffee drinker, and a lover of sunflowers.